Bible black 2 episode 1
Bible black 2 episode 1

As Mary puts it, “His time for men to know has not yet come.” This echoes the passages where Jesus tells the people he has healed not to tell anyone about him (Mark 1:40-45, 3:9-12, etc.), and it echoes the passage where Jesus tells his mother he might not perform a miracle that she wants him to perform because “my hour has not yet come” (John 2:4). He could not identify Jesus either - he even asks Jesus who healed him! - but he says, “One thing I do know: I was blind but now I see!”Įven though Mary does not know who saved her, she somehow knows enough about him to know that he would not want her to reveal his name even if she did know it.

bible black 2 episode 1

This parallels the words of the blind man who was healed by Jesus in John 9.

bible black 2 episode 1

Mary Magdalene tells Nicodemus she does not know who cast out her demons, only that the man who did it has changed her life. It makes sense that Andrew would participate in Shabbat with Simon and his wife, as the gospels indicate that Simon and Andrew shared a home in Capernaum (Mark 1:29). (Church tradition says Barnabas was one of the seventy apostles in Luke 10, so there would be a precedent for introducing him this early. This episode also introduces a comic-relief figure named Barnaby, who probably isn’t the same person as Barnabas, the friend of Paul’s who appears in Acts and the epistles. It is interesting, by the way, that this episode shows Jesus already being treated as a rabbi with students, before he has begun his ministry or called his more famous disciples. Either way, the gospels don’t tell us any actual stories about them. Many people have speculated that James son of Alphaeus and James the Lesser were the same person, but we really don’t know. But director Dallas Jenkins has been calling this character “James the Lesser”, which is a name that does not appear on any list of the Twelve but does appear in Mark 15:40, where he is the son of one of Jesus’ female followers. Since we will meet Zebedee and his sons later in the series, the James we meet in this episode is presumably the son of Alphaeus. Since the four lists agree on all of the other disciples’ names, it is often assumed that Thaddaeus was identical to “Judas, son of James”, who appears in both of the Luke-Acts lists.Īs for James: All four lists of the Twelve mention two men named James, one of whom is the son of Zebedee, while the other is the son of Alphaeus. Thaddaeus, for example, appears on the lists in Mark 3:16-19 and Matthew 10:2-4, but he does not appear in either of the lists in Luke-Acts (Luke 6:13-16, Acts 1:13). The gospels don’t say anything about Thaddaeus and James, aside from including their names on lists of the Twelve - and sometimes the gospels don’t even do that. In this episode, these men are already calling Jesus their “rabbi”, and he calls them his “students”.

bible black 2 episode 1

The two most significant new characters are Thaddaeus and a man named James, both of whom will eventually become members of Jesus’ inner circle, the Twelve. However, it does introduce new characters from the gospels and allude to other elements besides. This episode does not dramatize any stories from the gospels.

Bible black 2 episode 1